Strategic Planning

The State Planning Strategy 2050 is an integral part of the
Western Australian planning system designed to inform
planning policies and decisions throughout the State. 

State Planning Strategy 2050

The Shire of Ravensthorpe Local Planning Strategy provides the basis for development within the Shire over the next 15-20 years.

Objectives, strategies and actions are identified for a range of key physical and environmental features of the Shire, as well as for the key settlements of the Shire.

Land use strategies are provided for the key settlements of
Ravensthorpe and Hopetoun, together with the broader economic
drivers and land use throughout the Shire.

The Shire of Ravensthorpe Local Planning Strategy

The Shire of Ravensthorpe Local Planning Strategy is to be read in conjunction with Local Planning Scheme No. 6.

Local Planning Scheme No.6

Local Planning Policies

A number of Local Planning Policies have been adopted to guide certain types of development in the Shire, they have been compiled into a single manual.

 Shire of Ravensthorpe Council Policy Manual


In 2004 The Shire of Ravensthorpe and Western Australian Planning Commission adopted the Hopetoun Development Area Outline Development Plan to guide the development of Mary Anne Waters, a subdivision of Hopetoun in the 2000s.

Hopetoun Development Area Outline Development Plan 


Quick links

Shire of Ravensthorpe planning information

Western Australian Planning Commission

Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage

State Planning Policy 3.7 - Planning in bushfire prone areas

Local Government Guidelines for Subdivisional Development

Building in bushfire prone areas

Fencing Local Law

Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law


Shire of Ravensthorpe Planning Application

Shire of Ravensthorpe Planning Application Checklist