Coastal Hazard Risk Management
Adaptation Plan (CHRMAP)

What is CHRMAP

Our coastlines are constantly changing – from natural events, climate change and from the presence of built infrastructure. The Shire’s coastline is highly valued for its natural environment, landscape and sandy beaches. Within the Shire, Hopetoun beaches are amongst the most visited.

The Hopetoun region has been identified as an ‘erosion hotspot’ (where coastal erosion is expected to impact on public and private physical assets within 25 years).  Therefore, the Shire is developing a Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan (CHRMAP) to understand ‘coastal hazards’ and ‘risks’ that may impact the coastline in the future and what the options are for managing those.

The State government’s Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Planning Guidelines (July 2019) provide guidance for decision makers to develop and implement effective CHRMAPs

There are four main adaptation options for managing coastal risk.

  • Avoid
  • Planned or managed retreat
  • Accommodate
  • Protect

Different options are appropriate for different locations taking into consideration the type of coastline, community values, environmental impacts and cost implications.

Click on the video below to find out all about this project.

Get Involved!

The Shire has now completed an assessment of risk and vulnerability for the coast of Hopetoun.

During the assessment, which comprises Stages 1-5 of the CHRMAP (see Project Timeframes below) the Shire has identified assets within Hopetoun that may be subject to coastal erosion and inundation over the next 100 years.

The hazard maps for erosion and inundation, and the map showing the assets at risk over the 100 year time frame can be found at each of the links attached or in the document library below.

The coast was divided in three management units to facilitate the study.

MU1: Western Beach

MU2: Town Beach and Boat Ramp

MU3: Esplanade Beach


To reach this stage the project team has used the outcomes from the previous engagement and technical assessments. To make sure we understood your values accurately, we need to understand your thoughts on the adaptation options that are suitable to the area and reflect the values that you told us previously.

A brief survey link is included below and is open from Friday 16 June 2023 to Friday 14 July 2023. The information from the survey will be used to complete the adaptation plan to enable the Shire to plan for the future of coastal hazards over both the short and long term. It is recommended that you refer to the hazard maps and assets at risk whilst you are responding to the survey.


If you require a hard copy survey, please contact Shire’s project manager, Natalie Bell on (08) 9839 0000 or

The final engagement opportunity for this project will be commenting on the draft CHRMAP – scheduled for later in 2023. Information will be made available on this webpage.

To keep up to date with the project please provide your details at the following link.


It should be noted that there are ongoing technical assessments underway, including geotechnical investigations, which may result in lower levels of vulnerability along the coast than currently predicted. These are being undertaken to ensure coastal hazard planning uses to most up-to-date information, and reflects the Shire’s commitment to a safety and risk management approach that continues to allow for use and enjoyment of the coastline until such time as impacts are experienced.

Project Timelines and tasks

  • Stage 1 Establishing the context – Gaining an understanding of the local context and community values - December 2021 - February 2022
  • Stage 2 Risk identification – Technical investigation to understand the coastal risks - January - May 2022
  • Stage 3 Vulnerability analysis – Technical investigation to understand the vulnerability of the coast- May – July 2022
  • Stage 4 Risk evaluation – Technical investigation to evaluate the risks – July-August 2022
  • Stage 5 Risk Treatment – Identification of risk treatment options - July-August 2022
    • Present hazard lines to the community
    • Present draft risk treatment options to the community
  • Stage 6 Implementation Plan – Preparation of short, medium and long term implementation plan – August – September 2022
  • Stage 7 Monitor and review – Preparation of ‘’monitoring plan - September 2022
  • Stage 8 Final CHRMAP – Preparation of the draft and final CHRMAP - September 2021 - March 2023

Beyond the scope of the CHRMAP, the Shire will need to allow for funding implications of the CHRMAP, recognising that funding of coastal hazard measures can be substantial and that there is limited funding. Funding may need to be sourced from individual landowners who benefit from adaptation, from the community through rates and levies, and via grants (recognising that in most cases grant funding requires matched allocation from the Shire).


Frequently Asked Questions

Hopetoun Coastal Hazard and Risk Management Adaption Plan

Coastal Hazard Risk Management Guidelines - July 2019

State Coastal Planning Policy - State Planning Policy No. 26