The “why” we come together…
We exist to support and cultivate a more resilient and fulfilling future for the Shire of Ravensthorpe.

The future we want to see…
A community built by enduring self-determination.

Who we need to become to realise that future…
The investors in a proactive community.
Our community already has the ideas, knowledge, and skills it needs to solve its own problems. We now need to invest in those behaviours intentionally.

How we will become investors in a proactive community…
We want to see our community continue to embed the behaviours and attitudes that have led to its enduring success. As a result, the RHFF has identified key behaviours of a proactive community which all applications will be assessed on.



The Ravensthorpe Hopetoun Future Fund was established in 2011. Every year, the Ravensthorpe Hopetoun Future Fund invites individual residents of the Shire of Ravensthorpe to apply for financial support in the form of a Bursary of up to $5,000 ex GST. Bursary applications open around September each year. 

The Ravensthorpe Hopetoun Future Fund also invites the Shire of Ravensthorpe community to submit grant applications each year. The grant applicant and type of project for which funding is sought must meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the Grant Application Guidelines 2024. 

The Bursary has opened for 2024 (2025 distribution). Applications will be accepted up until 4.00pm,30th September 2024. Forms and Guidelines below.

Bursary Guidelines

Application Form 

If you have any queries regarding the Future Fund, please don't hesitate to contact one of the Board of Governors or email 

Ravensthorpe Hopetoun Future Fund Board of Governors
Board of Governors
Caroline Robinson 0403 225 900
Matthew Bird (Chief Executive Officer) 9839 0000
Marcia Norrish  0429 381 434
Kim Bennett 0427 383 213
Tom Major (Shire President)   0403 782 887

You can also keep up to date with the Future Fund via our Face Book page 'Ravensthorpe Hopetoun Future Fund'.