Published on Wednesday, 20 December 2023 at 3:48:30 PM
The Shire of Ravensthorpe is pleased to announce it has secured $202,800 to undertake 47 treatments in 2024 under the Mitigation Activity Fund Grant Program.
These works will consist of both mechanical and prescribed burning treatments and other processes in alignment with the Shire endorsed Bushfire Risk Mitigation Plan.
The risk to communities from bushfire hazards on State owned land across Western Australia is recognised as a high priority for mitigation. The impact of a bushfire can be reduced through the delivery of mitigation activities that reduce bushfire fuels or improve fire response.
The Western Australian Government established the MAF grant program to reduce bushfire hazards that present an extreme, very high or high risk to assets, in combination with the progressive rollout of the BRM Program.
The combination of these two programs has greatly assisted in ensuring that community bushfire risks are systematically assessed, prioritised and mitigated.

Local Governments undertake the Bushfire Risk Mitigation planning process across their respective jurisdictions to ensure unacceptable bushfire risks are identified and appropriately managed.
In many cases, land presenting a significant bushfire risk to communities is Crown land that through the provisions of the Local Government Act 1995, falls under the responsibility of Local Governments to manage. It is this Crown land managed by a Local Government that the MAFGP is designated to address.
The objective of the MAFGP is to reduce bushfire fuels or improve fire response by providing safer access, egress and areas to work. It targets on-ground treatments that address extreme, very high and high bushfire risks to assets on Crown land that is managed by Local Governments.
Please refer to the WA Government announcement for more information.
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