Aged Services


Ravensthorpe Facility Care Committee
Ravensthorpe Facility Care Committee
Contact Enid Tink
Phone (08) 9838 1044
Ravensthorpe Health Centre (Formerly Ravensthorpe District Hospital)
Ravensthorpe Health Centre (Formerly Ravensthorpe District Hospital)
Contact Ravensthorpe Health Centre
Phone (08) 9838 2211
Info There are 4 beds provided in this facility for frail-aged care.
Ravensthorpe Residential Care Facility
Ravensthorpe Residential Care Facility
Info Three self-contained units located on Dunn Street in Ravensthorpe.
Hopetoun Low Income Units
Hopetoun Low Income Units
Contact Hopetoun Progress Association
Phone (08) 9838 3363
Info Banksia Units, 6 self contained low income units situated Chambers Street in Hopetoun.
Hopetoun Residential Care Facility
Hopetoun Residential Care Facility
Contact Hopetoun Progress Association
Phone (08) 9838 3363
Info 4 self contained units located Barnett Street. Qualup Units.


Home and Community Care (HACC)
Home and Community Care (HACC)
Coordinator Louisa Evans
Phone (08) 9838 3144
Mobile 0429 889 675
Extended Care Nurse
Extended Care Nurse
Location Hopetoun
Phone (08) 9838 3323



Country Womens Association (CWA)
Country Womens Association (CWA)
Info Meeting every second Tuesday of every month at the CWA building (near McCulloch Park).
Hopetoun Senior Citizens
Hopetoun Senior Citizens
Contact Kay Wilson
Mobile (08) 9838 3874
Info Every Thursday at 1.30pm at the Mary Ann Haven Centre for Games.
Stay on Your Feet
Stay on Your Feet
Info Every Tuesday and Friday between 9.00am and 10.00am at the Mary Ann Haven Centre.


Ravensthorpe District Senior Citizens
Ravensthorpe District Senior Citizens
Contact Lola Lansdown
Phone (08) 9838 1506 (Lola) or (08) 9838 1399 (Senior Citizen Centre)
Stay on Your Feet Excercise Group
Stay on Your Feet Excercise Group
Contact Valerie Cox
Phone (08) 9838 1056
Info Every Friday at the Senior Citizen Centre on Morgans Street in Ravensthorpe from 10.00am to 11.00am