Draft Proposed Cat Local Law

Published on Wednesday, 16 August 2023 at 10:54:45 AM

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 15 August 2023, Council resolved to advertise the Draft Proposed Cat Local Law.


The Shire of Ravensthorpe has a high level of native fauna species and much of the Shire falls within the UNESCO recognised Fitzgerald Biosphere. Roaming cats and feral cats are seen as having an impact on the native fauna in the Shire.


The purpose of this local law is to foster responsible cat ownership within the Shire of Ravensthorpe. This local law will introduce additional elements of cat control and regulation not already covered by the Cat Act 2011, the Cat Regulations 2012, the Cat (Uniform Local Provisions) Regulations 2013, or any other written law that covers the matter.

The effect of this local law is to introduce several significant changes: All cat owners within the Shire of Ravensthorpe will be required to register their cats and prevent their cats from wandering onto neighbouring properties. The law also outlines measures for the control and management of feral cats to protect our local wildlife and ecosystems.


Council has also recommended the introduction of targeted education campaigns for cat owners around their responsibilities and the potential impact pet cats have to our native and sometimes endangered animal species.

Now open for public comment

A copy of the draft Proposed Cat Local Law is available for inspection at both Shire of Ravensthorpe offices in Hopetoun and Ravensthorpe. 


It can also be viewed by clicking here.


Submissions must be in writing by 5.00pm, Friday 29 Sept 2023.

Email: shire@ravensthorpe.wa.gov.au

Via post: 

Natalie Bell

Shire of Ravensthorpe

PO Box 43

Ravensthorpe WA 6346 

Or dropped off in person at each Shire of Ravensthorpe office.



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